Lunch Time / Tuck Shop

School Life | Lunch Time

One of the wonderful ways to share culture is through food and our Tuck Shop menu features well-loved Japanese classics and local favourites that children can order for lunch. From sushi and Japanese curry, to healthy sandwiches, hamburgers, pizza and pasta, our food is prepared with the freshest ingredients and is popular among students and staff.

You pre-order your child’s lunch on the Flexischools app so there is no exchange of cash on campus. Simple and efficient!

During the first half of the lunch break, students eat with their classmates and teacher, promoting a sense of community and shared mealtimes, which is an important aspect of Japanese culture. During the second half of the break, students can enjoy physical activity and explore our school’s facilities, from riding unicycles to playing handball or jumping rope. Teachers supervise in the playground to ensure safety and encourage participation.

Our school library is also open during the lunch break, offering students the opportunity to read or borrow a book. At SJIS, we believe in providing a well-rounded lunchtime experience for our students, one that fosters social, physical, and intellectual growth.



The Sydney Japanese International School acknowledges the Garigal people as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the lands on which our school is located. We pay our respects to their ancestors and descendants who continue cultural and spiritual connections to Country. We recognise that these lands have always been places of teaching, learning and storytelling. May the spirit of the Garigal people always be present with us under the shade of the beautiful trees across our campus, when we hear the sounds of nature and feel the sun and ocean breeze on our skin, and as we grow, play, learn and connect. 

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