Enrolment | FAQ

Below are some Frequently Asked Questions we receive regarding our enrolment process. We hope we are able to answer all of your queries, but if not, please don’t hesitate to contact us with your additional queries.

Most definitely. The International Division teaches the NSW curriculum just like any local school. The biggest difference is that Japanese is taught daliy and the students have ample opportunities to practice their language skills in class and in the playground! The class sizes are much smaller too which fosters a calm and nuturing learning environment. ‘Respect’ is one of our strongest founding values at SJIS. We invite you to come and see the school in action. You can book a school tour here.

Our staff work diligently to make sure that students feel welcome immediately, even if they have never spoken a word of Japanese or English. SJIS accepts students of any language ability. It is not imperative that a child speaks English or Japanese for acceptance into our school. Students will be taught language foundations starting from Kindergarten. SJIS provides a safe and nurturing environment for children to pick up the necessary language foundations and conventions to excel in their continued education. For students enrolling in the International Division without strong English skills, we offer a dedicated language support (EAL/D) program delivered by a specialist teacher in a tailored learning environment.

Both our English and Japanese language classes are set up in a three-tiered structure (streamed by language ability), which ensures that all children are placed in the right language ability class for them to learn and flourish.

Find out more about our language programs.

Yes, we are a co-educational, non-denominational, multicultural school which welcomes ALL children from local families as well as from ALL nationalities and religions.

Absolutely. We offer Experience Days for those families interested in enrolling their child/children in the school, but who wish to experience a day at school first. Experience Days are priced at $150/day. For more information on Experience Days, please contact us.

Regrettably, SJIS does not accept enrolments from students on international student visas. Parents must have either Australian citizenship or Australian permanent residency, or hold an Australian business, researcher or student visa. Tourist visas are not eligible for enrolment at SJIS.

We can only accept children from families that have permanent residency or have the legal temporary visas to be able to live and work in Australia. Tourist visas are not eligible for enrolment. Please note, all visas must be arranged prior to application to the school.

We advise parents to apply online for Kindergarten before June in the year prior to entry at the latest. That said, we do accept enrolments for the entirety of the year, subject to availability. Be quick to secure your place!

Find out more about Kindergarten at SJIS.

Regrettably, it is a requirement that all applicants to SJIS undergo either an assessment or interview with the Head for admission to the International Division and with the Deputy Principal/School Principal for entry into the Japanese Division. This step is crucial in determining the child’s ‘school readiness.’ Additionally, children must be accompanied by at least one parent/guardian during the assessment process.

Yes. We offer a 10% reduction when two children from the same family enrol at SJIS. For three or more siblings, a 50% discount rate is applied from the third child. Find out more about fees.



The Sydney Japanese International School acknowledges the Garigal people as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the lands on which our school is located. We pay our respects to their ancestors and descendants who continue cultural and spiritual connections to Country. We recognise that these lands have always been places of teaching, learning and storytelling. May the spirit of the Garigal people always be present with us under the shade of the beautiful trees across our campus, when we hear the sounds of nature and feel the sun and ocean breeze on our skin, and as we grow, play, learn and connect. 

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