School Bus

School Life | School Bus

Our reliable school bus service is not only convenient for families living on the North Shore, Northern Beaches and some Western suburbs, but it’s also a lot of fun for the children.

SJIS uses the NSW State Bus Service for the majority of bus routes, as well as three school charter buses. The state buses are available free to students who are Australian citizens or who hold permanent residency, or other eligible visas. For students on other visas, an Opal card may need to be purchased to cover a small fee per trip.

To ensure the safety of students and to build connections, we use a ‘bus buddy’ system, partnering kindergarten students with older students who travel on the same bus route. A volunteer managing the bus stop works with families to organise introductions.

For the first three weeks of Term 1, we ask families to drop off and collect kindergarten students as they adjust to school life. From week four, they can ride the bus.

Bus Company Contacts

If you wish to contact the bus companies used by SJIS, you may use the numbers below:

If you wish to purchase an Opal card, please visit Transport NSW.



The Sydney Japanese International School acknowledges the Garigal people as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the lands on which our school is located. We pay our respects to their ancestors and descendants who continue cultural and spiritual connections to Country. We recognise that these lands have always been places of teaching, learning and storytelling. May the spirit of the Garigal people always be present with us under the shade of the beautiful trees across our campus, when we hear the sounds of nature and feel the sun and ocean breeze on our skin, and as we grow, play, learn and connect. 

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