Japanese Division Primary

Learning | Japanese Division Primary (Japanese Curriculum Years 1-6)

Why choose SJIS Japanese Division (Japanese Curriculum)?

Choosing the Japanese Division at SJIS presents several compelling reasons for students seeking a comprehensive Japanese education.

Eligibility: Children with Japanese citizenship are eligible to enrol in the SJIS Japanese Division (Japanese Curriculum).

Students who are not Japanese citizens, but who have been undertaking Japanese education may also be eligible to enrol in the Japanese Division. However, they must meet certain entry requirements before any offer of enrolment is granted.

Japanese MEXT Academic Curriculum 

Japanese schooling is divided into the following stages:

Preschool in Japan is called kindergarten and is not part of the compulsory education system, however it is a mandatory school year in Australia. Students planning to attend the Japanese Division from Year 1 will still start their SJIS school life from kindergarten.

The Key Learning Areas for primary school students at SJIS are:

Every day is made up of six 45-minute long lessons.

English Language Program

Native English speaking teachers who hold Australian faculty qualifications and broad experience in Japanese culture and language teach our English language lessons. Classes are divided into three levels ranging from beginners to advanced to allow teachers to work with smaller groups and provide personalised attention and assessments of progress. Read more about our English Language Program.

Mixed Lessons with the International Division

All students of both divisions undertake mixed lessons in the areas of art, music, PE and coding. For further details, please refer to the Mixed Lesson section of our website.



The Sydney Japanese International School acknowledges the Garigal people as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the lands on which our school is located. We pay our respects to their ancestors and descendants who continue cultural and spiritual connections to Country. We recognise that these lands have always been places of teaching, learning and storytelling. May the spirit of the Garigal people always be present with us under the shade of the beautiful trees across our campus, when we hear the sounds of nature and feel the sun and ocean breeze on our skin, and as we grow, play, learn and connect. 

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