Term Dates / School Calendar

School Life | Term Dates / School Calendar

School terms at SJIS

The school terms at SJIS are structured to accommodate both the International Division following the NSW Curriculum and the Japanese Division with the Japanese Curriculum.

  1. The International Division (NSW Curriculum) operates from January to December annually.
  2. The Japanese Division (Japanese Curriculum) runs from April to March of the subsequent year.
  3. SJIS adopts a four-semester system similar to state schools, albeit with minor variations in holiday durations.
    • The summer break, spanning from December to January, is slightly shorter compared to public schools.
    • Conversely, the autumn vacation, observed from March to April, is slightly longer.

This alignment ensures a balanced academic calendar for students across both divisions, catering to diverse educational needs and cultural backgrounds.

Term dates for the International Division : From January to December

Term 1 / 2024Wednesday 17 JanuaryThursday 21 March
Term 2 / 2024Tuesday 30 AprilFriday 5 July
Term 3 / 2024Tuesday 23 JulyFriday 27 September
Term 4 / 2024Tuesday 15 OctoberThursday 12 December
Term 1/ 2025Tuesday 14 JanuaryFriday 21 March

Term dates for the Japanese Division : From April To March

Term 4 / 2024Wednesday 17 JanuaryThursday 21 March
Term 1 / 2024Tuesday 30 AprilFriday 5 July
Term 2 / 2024Tuesday 23 JulyFriday 27 September
Term 3 / 2024Tuesday 15 OctoberThursday 12 December
Term 4/ 2025Tuesday 14 JanuaryFriday 21 March

2024 School Calendar

Vacation Care

At Sydney Japanese International School, we understand the needs of busy parents, which is why we offer vacation care from March to April each year when SJIS holidays don’t align with local school breaks. This service ensures continuity for parents while providing a safe and enjoyable environment for children. During vacation care, kids engage in a variety of exciting activities, including cooking and sports, fostering their creativity, physical well-being, and social skills.



The Sydney Japanese International School acknowledges the Garigal people as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the lands on which our school is located. We pay our respects to their ancestors and descendants who continue cultural and spiritual connections to Country. We recognise that these lands have always been places of teaching, learning and storytelling. May the spirit of the Garigal people always be present with us under the shade of the beautiful trees across our campus, when we hear the sounds of nature and feel the sun and ocean breeze on our skin, and as we grow, play, learn and connect. 

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