
Wellbeing | Counselling

Providing emotional support to our students and their families is important, and is why we have a counsellor who is available to offer support and guidance.

Our counsellor is fluent in both English and Japanese, so our families can comfortably book a session with our counsellor once a month, and access a safe and confidential space to talk.

Our counsellor is trained to support students with a wide range of emotional and behavioural concerns, including anxiety, depression, and stress.

At SJIS, we’re committed to providing a holistic approach to education, and our counselling services are a crucial part of that approach. We believe that by offering emotional support to our students, we can help them thrive both inside and outside the classroom.



The Sydney Japanese International School acknowledges the Garigal people as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the lands on which our school is located. We pay our respects to their ancestors and descendants who continue cultural and spiritual connections to Country. We recognise that these lands have always been places of teaching, learning and storytelling. May the spirit of the Garigal people always be present with us under the shade of the beautiful trees across our campus, when we hear the sounds of nature and feel the sun and ocean breeze on our skin, and as we grow, play, learn and connect. 

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